Charity Bequests | Gifts in Wills To Charities | SecondBite
Gifts in Will Charity Bequest to SecondBite

Leave a Gift in your Will

Thank you for considering SecondBite as part of your important legacy.


Leave a charity bequest in your Will and help end waste and end hunger. A Will allows you to specify exactly how you would like to provide for your family, friends and causes important to you. 

By leaving a Gift to SecondBite in your Will, you are making a promise to help future generations of vulnerable Australians. Your gift will help SecondBite continue to provide quality and nutritious food to Australia’s most vulnerable for years to come. 

A Lasting Legacy

Prominent Australian businessman and philanthropist, Frank Costa AO, passed away aged 83 in 2021. He purchased a produce business in the late 1950s, which is now the largest privately owned grower, packager, marketer, distributor and exporter of fresh fruit and vegetables and grains in the Southern Hemisphere. A passionate family man, Frank lived a life of service to the community, and his passionate advocacy for the welfare of others will live on, thanks to a generous $1 million donation to SecondBite’s Future Trust, ensuring it will have an impact in perpetuity.

Frank Costa Gift in Will Charity Bequest SecondBite

Feed the Future Program Invitation

We invite you to become a Feed The Future member by notifying us of your intention to leave a Gift to SecondBite in your Will. 

By notifying us of your intended charity bequest and showing your commitment to supporting the work we do, you will be formally acknowledged as a Feed the Future Member. You can also remain anonymous if you wish. 

All Feed the Future members will receive:

Feed the Future Certificate
A beautiful certificate, suitable for framing, acknowledges your support of SecondBite and your Feed the Future membership. 

Exclusive Lapel Pin
Our special apple lapel pin, designed exclusively for Feed the Future members.

Invitations to Events
Receive invitations to SecondBite events, as well as opportunities to experience our food rescue and repurposing in action.

Apple Tree
Receive a beautiful Apple Tree ready to plant in your garden as a symbol of your legacy.

Annual Report
The option to have your name and Gift recognised in our Annual report.

Feed the Future E-Newsletter
Learn about the latest from SecondBite with this insider e-newsletter.

Considering leaving a Gift in your Will?

Everyone over the age of 18 can make a Will. 

A Will is the only way to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes. A bequest is a clause within a Will relating to a particular gift or share of your assets, that you specifically wish to make – including a gift to SecondBite. 

Every bequest, however small or large, is gratefully received and allows us to deliver on our vision of an Australia without hunger or waste.  

There are many ways to include gifts in wills to charities, depending on your circumstances and preferences, including: 

  • Whole or a part of your Estate 
  • Percentage of your Estate 
  • Fixed amount 
  • Residuary gift 
  • A specific asset 

Legal advice and process

Making or updating a Will can seem daunting but the process can be straightforward. There are two main ways you can include SecondBite in your Will:  

Speak with your solicitor or legal advisor 

Your solicitor or legal advisor can help you draw up a Will or make a change to an existing one. There is a suggestion below to share with your legal advisor. You will need to edit the relevant sections to best suit your gift and wishes. 


“I give and bequeath the sum of $ _______________________ (or) __________ % of my estate, (or) residue of my estate, (or) property or assets as follows _______________________ to the SECONDBITE FUTURE TRUST (ABN 57 731 316 017) of 93 Northern Road, Heidelberg West in the State of Victoria for its general purposes, and I DIRECT that a receipt from the Secretary or Treasurer for the time being of the said organisation shall be a sufficient discharge to my trustees.” 

If you choose to notify SecondBite of your pledge, you will join our exclusive Feed the Future membership program.   


Create an online Will

SecondBite has partnered with Gathered Here to make the process of creating a Will and leaving a Gift to SecondBite as simple as possible. The process can take as little as 10 minutes.

You can opt to notify SecondBite or to remain anonymous during this process.

Memorial Gifts

In lieu of flowers at a loved one’s passing, some people choose to celebrate and honour their life with a charity bequest to donate to a charity that is special to that person’s heart.

Visit our dedicated fundraising website via our partners at Raisely for more information.

Contact Information

SecondBite Future Trust
ABN 57 731 316 017
93 Northern Road, Heidelberg West, Victoria
1800 263 283

For those wanting to donate food or provide in alternative ways, feel free to explore our support and donation page – all contributions are deeply appreciated, and bring us that much closer to our ultimate goal of ending food waste and hunger.