One of the greatest aspects of the SecondBite Community Connect™ program is the opportunity for Coles store teams and charity partners to expand their day-to-day food rescue connection into a vibrant, multi-faceted local partnership. A morning routine team huddle at Coles Kawana Waters became an event to remember with a visit from the Gateway Care Caloundra team.
“We enjoyed being able to share how Coles’ support and the support of SecondBite is helping so many vulnerable families.”
– Amanda Peterson Gateway Care Director
The Coles Kawana Waters team took time from their busy day to extend a warm welcome to Amanda, Bonnie, Kristy, Tash, and team mascot Baby Annabelle from Gateway Care Caloundra.
The Coles Kawana Waters team members were rewarded with stories direct from the ‘front-line’, where their donations make a positive, daily difference in the lives of locals on the Sunshine Coast doing it tough.
“Gateway had a great time meeting with Coles Kawana Waters. We enjoyed being able to share how their support and the support of SecondBite is helping so many vulnerable families. In particular, we shared a story of a single mum with three children who has no permanent accommodation. She is using a significant portion of their money on high-cost holiday rentals to get them through each week with a roof over their heads. This leaves very little money for food for the family. When the family came in to Gateway we were able to load them up with donated food items and even gave them one of our ‘RACK’ vouchers (a Gateway initiative – Random Acts of Community Kindness) so they could purchase extra food for the week,” said Gateway Care Director Amanda Peterson.
Read more about Gateway Care’s work HERE